23 July 2014

Ramblings: Hair Products, Prices and Me

I wouldn't say I'm necessarily frugal or cheap..wait, maybe I am..but this crazy spending on numerous hair products isn't going to work. As it stands, I only like spending money on necessities like food and alcohol..and since I live in Jamaica, that's all I have money to spend on. 

Now it's almost normal to become a Product Junkie when you start a hair journey because you're either looking for that holy grail product all the Youtubers and bloggers you see raving about. What will end up happening is, eventually, you're going to regret all that spending.

Just sidestep the "eventually" part of that neatly and don't spend all that money to begin with.

I say this to say, I was about to start the Product Junkie-ism and dive right in since I just started my natural hair journey.

Until I saw how much it was for a Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque. 



I did an exorcist head-turn same time because it wasn't going to happen. Plus, the product came in a container the same size as a Chiffon butter container here.

Nerp. Couldn't cross it.

I suppose I was grateful that I had already started the more natural route for using products in my hair (getting Castor oil, Coconut (cooking) oil) etc., which made it a little easier to make a U-Turn out that hair store because I wasn't buying it. Additionally, apart from the fact that my boyfriend thinks I'm doing some form of seance when he isn't at home with all the oils and mixtures he sees around the house, he's okay with the shea butter and castor oil smells my hair has from time to time and that's okay with me. I don't have the money for the Mizanis and the Keracares and the Miss Jessies. I suppose I'll eventually go out on a limb and get one of  these products and stick to it if it's good but, at this time, it isn't happening. Plus I don't, mind being called cheap frugal.

Be well,


  1. Good thinking. I've decided product junkiesm is not sustainable, and buying expensive hair products even less so. I make it a point to find cheaper products that work for me wherever I can.


IG: GibbieGibbie || Twitter: @GibbieGibbz