23 June 2014

Hair reasoning: TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro) Fears

I second guess myself as it relates to my hair a lot. Previously, it was based on if I did all I could do in terms of my hair care; now since my big chop, it's stressing about hair growth. 

And if I can style my hair as I've seen other naturals have done with theirs.

And if I'll have that glowing feeling whenever I look at my hair.

And if it'll grow to a point where I'll be satisfied with the length.

And if I'll do all that needs to be done to ensure my hair is progressing at its full potential.

I'm actually mortified.

In all truthfulness, I felt like an alien when I first saw my hair in the mirror after cutting it and I didn't know what to do with it once it was cut. I'm thinking about it now and I still don't know what I would do with it when it's out of the braids and I do not want/am not ready to wear my short hair as is to work. 

The only epiphany I've come up with thus far is to leave my hair be. I won't stress it, I'll keep my hair in the best health it can be and leave it alone. I may not have any material to write as a hair update and that's going to be okay too. I'm also a "one-style" type of girl so there won't be much to do on the "styling" front.

We'll see how it goes but I'm in unfamiliar territory.

Be well,


  1. Hey girlie! Omg Uve gone natural! Congrats on ur big chop. I know u feel a bit out of sorts but I think ur gonna be fine. Big Hugz! I dunno if u know it but www.blackgirllonghair.com is a great blog to browse to get advice about how to care for ur TWA etc. I wish u all the best! Above all, do YOU. :-)


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