12 June 2014

Hair Update No. 7: 7 Months post

Braids are out. Breather break before next braid install and of course the oh so familiar feeling of doing the chop during the post wash detangling session.

Very familiar. 

I was very careful during the take down and wash detangling sessions. While taking down the braids one by one, I put a little castor oil on the ends, strands and roots, carefully untwisted each braid and finger-detangled the hair and did several big twists after untangling my hair. This took me one day + the next morning. When I got frustrated, I stopped. When I was hungry or bored, I stopped. I wasn't playing. 

What did I get after? 

Not much -_-

Ends were retained, no growth seen since the last take-down..just the same puffy hair I had last month. I've decided to stop measuring out of frustration.

That aside, here are some pictures I took today of my hair at 7 months post 
(from the front, side & back):

Hair at 7 months post

And this is what my hair strand looks like. Can someone tell me my hair type?

Left: without product | Right: with water + Cantu shea butter

After washing and allowing my hair to air dry to about 80% (I don't have the patience for blow-drying this hair - I tried), I did 5 flat twists and left it alone for the weekend. When I took the twists down, I was inspired to fight through my transition by my bf and co-workers' favourable comments and decided to wait a while more before cutting for a little more length. I'll be wearing the style for the rest of the week while re-twisting and roll-and-pinning on the days when I don't want to re-do my hair.

I'm ready for the new install. I "cya cross it". 

I'll be putting in braids, again, in the rope twisted style, but at a longer length (no longer than bra-strap length because, Jamaica) and I'll keep it in for a month. The aim will be I'll continue to use my DIY moisturizing spritz daily and seal with castor oil. I think I'll leave the glycerin out of the mix this time as my hair tends to frizz more when I use it and see if it makes a difference. 

A "curlfriend" going through her transition journey told me she's been transitioning for 4 months and we basically have the same length of "new growth". Now that's something that'll make you smile inside. Needless to say, it didn't give me an ego boost but such is life.

That being said, the journey goes on and the chop (whenever it happens) will be televised! Lol :)

Be well peeps!


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