11 October 2014

Birthday Hair Tag! Mhm!

Hi all!

I got a Birthday Hair Tag from fellow hair blogger Rachel from Rachie To Waist Length click here for her blog and seeing as how my birthday was this week I was in for it! It's a short post but before I jump in, here's a picture from my birthday shenanigans:

'Twas a great night :)
 Now let's get to it!

  1. What's your real name? Thadene (pronounced Tha-deen)
  2. When's your birthday? October 8th (last Wednesday :D)
  3. Curly or straight hair on your birthday, and would you wear it up or down? Protective Style: Curly - Down || Natural hair - Curly - Out 
  4. If you were to receive a hair product for a gift, what would you choose? Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner 
  5. Whose hair would you trade places with for a birthnight? My hair at DesiréeVennFrederic's (@xodvf) length. Looking like this:

Coo deh

Watch deh <3

6. If you had to use a single brand of products for an entire year, which would it be? I don't use any one brand of product so err..pass?

7. You get a $20 birthday gift card, what 3 (cheapie) products, tools and/or accessories do you buy? Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner and a pack of large bobby pins.

8. You are getting ready for a fabulous b/day outing, DIY or hair salon? As I did this week, D.I.Y! I can't bear waiting times at a salon.

9. You overslept, your hair isn't done, you've got 30 minutes to do it, what style do you execute? With this Protective Style: Hot water flexi-rod set || Natural Hair: Roll, Tuck & Pin.

10. What wish would you make for your hair? That it be eternally breakage free. Amen.

11. If your hair was a type of birthday cake, what would it be? Potato Pudding-esque. 

12. Finally, what hair-related gift would you give someone for their birthday? All the knowledge I've gleaned on how to take care of black hair. It saves mistakes and setbacks when you know what you're doing and gives you the tools for a successful hair journey.

Aaand that's all folks! This Birthday tag was pretty awesome to do..got me to thinking a bit lol. Hope you have fun reading it as I did doing it :)

Be well,


  1. YAY!!! I loved this, a really fun read. Girl your hair in the first pic Sell Off!!! As your your birthday hair inspiration pic model - ya'll could pass as being related, cousins maybe? Thanks for doing the tag! :-)


IG: GibbieGibbie || Twitter: @GibbieGibbz